So, I mentioned the Castle.... Let me tell you a little more.
Currently our castle stars (in order of appearance) :
The Shop (Circa 1955 with many upgrades)
The Main Cabin (1994)
Harveson House (2012)
The Library (2014)
The School (2015)
The Clubhouse (2016)
To Be Announced (Fall 2016)
Confused? You won't be after the next episode....
Ok, I'll fill in a few blanks now.
The Shop started out as a small Blacksmith Shop back in the 50's, just a lean-to, really. Over the years it has undergone many remodels and additions. Currently the main shop area - The Power House- serves as a place to maintain the equipment and work on small projects. The covered area in front of the Power House is home to the Rowanwood Smith Shop,

where Dark Steel forges one of a kind blades and metal smiths can work on various art projects. Hmmm, Kind of how it started out way back when..
The Main Cabin is a cozy little log home with a fun retro look and a great kitchen to cook the great meals for family and friends.

Harveson House was added in 2012 when the population began to grow. In keeping with our low to no investment theme, we started with a modular home and expanded from there.
The Library became a necessity when our love for books outgrew our space to keep them. A 10'x16' lofted storage barn soon became a cozy library/study space with loft storage.
The Schoolhouse is a place for our little nippers to learn and a place for community classes and meetings.
This year we were lucky to get The Clubhouse, a place to relax and watch a movie or play a game or work on a project. This year we also aquired a new building thats purpose has yet to be revealed. You will have to check in later to hear more about that.

Everything is arranged around a central Courtyard ( you can see Library and School in this pic) So we have a quiet place to study, read, create.....
The Castle grows as we grow. And so the Story Continues...